Complete all fields.
You will be asked to attach your paint file and setup files to an e-mail.
(All traffic on this site is screened for viruses, etc.)
Please provide the following contact information:
Name Other club memberships E-mail URL of your website
Please identify and describe yourself:
Age Sex Male Female
Primary ID Name:
S/S Rating?
You will be asked to attach the following files to an e-mail and submit them to the club.
Enter your current car paint file name:
Enter your Talladega Race Set file name.
Enter your Talladega Qual Set file name.
Enter your Daytona Race Set file name.
Enter your Daytona Qual Set file name.
Enter your Daytona Night Race Set file name.
<% ' StopAbuse is var to temporarily disable form(s) Abuse = 1 If Abuse = 0 then %> Enter your Daytona Night Qual Set file name.
Click here to submit you paint and setup files.