Engineering Services in the Mid-Atlantic Region

1. Name of company:

2. Street Address:

3. City

4. State

5. Zip Code of our main office

6. Approximate total number of employees:

7. Approximate total annual revenues (approx.):

8. Our main office is located ...

9. The primary engineering services we provide to our clients include: (check all that apply)
  Aviation, avionics, space
  Civil (other than structural or transportation)
  Civil (structural)
  Civil (transportation)
  Consulting (seperate business area)
  Construction management (seperate business area)
  Facility management, maintenance, operaiton, repair
  Health and safety management
  Information Technology
  Materials (including materials testng)
  Mechanical (HVAC)
  Mechanical (plumbing, utilities)
  Mechanical (other)
  Nuclear (all)
  Public Works
  Quality Assurance (other than materials testing)
  Systems (including life cycle management)

10. The most significant engineering service we provide (by revenue) TO / FOR our clients is:

11. This most significant engineering services represents XX% of our total revenues.

12. Number of PEs whose time is primarily (>50%) dedicated to this largest service type is:

13. The second most significant engineering service we provide (by revenue) TO / FOR our clients is:

14. This second most significant engineering service represents XX% of our total revenues.

15. Number of PEs whose time is primarily (>50%) dedicated to this 2nd largest service type is:

16. Our largest engineering services clients are:

17. Percent of revenues from this type of client is:

18. Average annual number of jobs from these types of clients is:

19. Our 2nd largest engineering services clients are:

20. Percent of revenues from 2nd largest type of client is:

21. Average annual number of jobs from 2nd largest client type is:

22. Organization: We have our own chief information officer (or equivalent)

23. Organization: We have our own human resources manager (or equivalent)

24. Organization: We have our own financial manager (or equivalent)

25. Organization: We have a dedicated office manager (or equivalent) who is a PE

26. Organization: We have offices in other state(s) / region(s):

27. Organization: Our people telecommute from their homes:

28. Organization: Total number of registered professional engineers (PEs)

29. Organization: Total number of engineer interns (non-PEs):

30. Organization: Total number of full-time CAD/CAM or other technical assistants:

31. Marketing: The state where we do the most business is:

32. Marketing: Percent revenues from state of most business:

33. Marketing: Our 2nd largest business state is:

34. Marketing: Percent of revenues from 2nd largest business state:

35. Marketing: (Note: This Q + next 2 Qs should = ~100%) Percent of jobs that are within 25 miles (local) is:

36. Marketing: Percent of non-local jobs that are within same day round trip by car (approximately 300 miles) is:

37. Marketing: Percent of jobs requiring extended travel (more than overnight) is:

38. Marketing: The local economy in our areas of operation has increased our business

39. Marketing: The national economy boom has increased our business

40. Marketing: Our business is helped at least indirectly by local government tax and other incentives to industries moving into our operating areas.

41. Certifications: Our company has the following nonmandatoy certifications:
  ISO 9000 (any 9000 series)
  ISO 14000 (any 14000 series)
  GSA Certified (one or more products)
  DOD Pre-qualified
  Federal Supply Service (one or more registrations)
  Small Business Administration HUBZone
  Small Business Administration PRO-Net
  SBA-registered, small business
  At least one employee certified in Six Sigma or equivalent
  We have been recognized by an independent industry organization for superior technical achievement.
  We have been recognized by an independent industry organization for superior quality control and / or management.
  None of the above.

42. Planning: Our company has a strategic plan

43. Planning: Our company has a business or financial plan.

44. Planning: Our company has a marketing plan.

45. Planning: Our company has a human resources (staffing) plan.

46. Teaming: Our company has formalized teaming or partnering arrangements. (If you answer "No", please skip the remaining "Teaming" questions.)

47. Teaming: Our teaming / partnering results in XX% of our revenues.

48. Teaming: Our team members / partners are highly reliable and timely.

49. Teaming: When we need assistance, we always call upon our teaming members or partners first.

50. Teaming: In general, these partnerships have proven very beneficial to our company.

51. Diversity: Women or ethnic/racial minorities are serving in XX% of our key positions.

52. Diversity: XX% of our engineers and/or managers are women.

53. Diversity: XX% of our PEs are male engineers and/or managers are members of an ethnic/racial minority.

54. Diversity: XX% of our overall employment are women or ethnic/racial minorities.

55. Computing: For most of their computing work, our PEs use:

56. Computing: Most of our engineers work on an office computer that has at least (pick typical):

57. Computing: Our office network is:

58. Computing: Our network server(s) are:

59. Computing: Our workstations (office or home) are connected to the internet by:

60. Computing: Our company has a website.

61. Computing: Our company's website has proven to be:

62. How long did it take to complete this survey?

63. We are interested in being informed of the results of this survey. Our e-mail address is:


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