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Sam Johnson


Welcome to my Good Ol' USA internet platform, http://goodolusa.com.  

This website serves as host to the sub-webs listed at the top.  All goodolusa.com sub-webs are always under continuous improvement and further development.  You may find something useful; but maybe not.  Feel free to browse.   

Click on the items at left for general information and to provide feedback to me about the site.

Click on the boxes or icons above to browse a particular sub-web.  Some components require a password to access them.  If you wish to access these pages, you must be a member of the applicable sub-web.  Send me an e-mail from the sub-web to request to join.  There should be a link at the bottom of the page offering you the opportunity to do so.

Please feel free to send me any comments you might have concerning each sub-web using the contact info within that sub-web - positive or negative.  

All constructive comments are welcome. 

Check back here frequently. 

I have dozens of important documents I just need time to upload to this site.